GO FLEX online application – time is money, save it

Convenient terms – Competitive rates



Price ahead with financial confidence 

GO FLEX input financing gives you the flexibility to manage your business throughout each growing season by offering terms that fit your business. This provides you with the opportunity to capture the best pre-season discounts available and reduce your price risk when buying inputs.  

GO FLEX financing offers promotional programs for many agricultural products, including: 


GO FLEX CONTACT Request More Information


Download, complete and submit application and balance sheet as an attachment to goflex@theequity.com

How to Download & Return Application How to Download & Return Balance Sheet
GO FLEX Application
GO FLEX Balance Sheet

GO FLEX Eligible Seed & Chemical Brands

GO FLEX Seed & Chemical Program

Financing on Seed and Chemical Products
until March 1, 2025

Finance Rate
Please call JJ or Stephanie for the current rate.
Maturity Date
Standard maturity date is March 1, 2025.
(interest will accrue from the loan disbursement date)

Frequently Asked Questions:
GO FLEX Financing

How does it work?


Booking and prepaying products prior to the growing season allows the grower to capitalize on discounted prices.  Growers can choose to use their GO FLEX funds to pay for products prior to delivery, often utilizing interest free programs, to help cut costs.

Monthly Balance
If a grower’s account balance is unpaid as of the date it is due,  your GO FLEX line credit can be used to keep your account current and avoid costly late charges. 
How do I apply?


A grower can apply for a GO FLEX line of credit by completing a short, one page application or by asking their crop-specialist.  Decision time on these applications is usually 24-48 hours.
What are the loan terms and conditions?


Typically, GO FLEX is a one-year straight line of credit that matures on March 1st of the following year. 


GO FLEX Financing is an option for growers who are looking to capitalize on interest-free programs or to defer expenses until after crops are harvested.  A  short, one-page application is all it takes to establish an operating line of credit that can be used for any product you purchase from The Equity.  GO FLEX allows a grower to focus on their operation during the busy spring and summer season and not have to worry about accruing late charges on their open trade account. 



The Equity also supports partner financing sources for your convenience. 


GO FLEX Contacts

Jennera "JJ" Clark
Loan Portfolio Manager
Office: (217) 342-3123 ext. 6121


Stephanie Swingler
Loan Operations Manager
Office: (217) 342-3123 ext. 6173
Grain Elevator