The GO® Brand Story
As the Agronomy department searched for a way to brand itself along with the products and services offered, the colors that have branded The Equity since 1919 took center stage. Like any sports team or major brand, most are recognized by a glimpse of their colors, The Equity is no different. Why would we not make a play on our colors that have branded us for the last 90+ years? The “G” and “O” from the green and orange made perfect sense . The “GO” also represents the employees of The Equity, known as Team Equity, that "GO" forward each and every day to live the brand promise of: Best Products, Latest Technology, Highest Quality Service, Done Right! Our culture, one of care and reliability for our member-owners, is what truly separates us from our competitors.

GO® 300 Corn
It’s possible to achieve 300-bushel corn on your farm. The GO 300 system is a set of recommendations intended to combine the expertise of the grower and The Equity agronomy specialists to break through yield barriers. Talk to us to find out more.

GO® 100 Soybeans
It’s possible to achieve 100-bushel soybeans on your farm. The GO 100 system is a set of recommendations intended to combine the expertise of the grower and The Equity agronomy specialists to break through yield barriers. Talk to us to find out more.
GO® CLEAN Crop Protection
Clean fields deliver high yields. The Equity has the people, products and services to help you manage the disease, pests and weeds that can limit the potential of your crops. We are here to help when it comes to preseason planning or dealing with challenging situations as they occur throughout the growing season. Whether you apply your own crop protection products or have them professionally applied, The Equity can tailor a program to meet the requirements of your operation.
GO VERTICAL® Plant Nutrients
Our state-of-the-art fertilizer solutions include our GO VERTICAL line of plant nutrition products. These products include micronutrients, starter fertilizers and other products in both dry and liquid formulations to get your crop off to a great start and build it up from there.

GO® SMART Field Data Analytics
The GO SMART system uses the latest technology to help you make “SMART” decisions for your operation. Today’s technology can seem overwhelming. The Equity has qualified staff in place to help maximize profitability on every acre utilizing the “GO SMART” system.

GO® EDGE Risk Management Tool
GO EDGE is an interactive, customizable, risk management tool designed to help customers with dynamic decision making and contract analysis.
GO® EDGE Plus+ Grain Contract
A contract to sell grain that establishes sale price above current futures value with the potential of doubling the contracted bushels if the futures prices are above a specified price upon the expiration of the contract.

GO® FLEX Financing
GO FLEX Financing is an option for growers who are looking to capitalize on interest-free programs or to defer expenses until after crops are harvested. A short, one-page application is all it takes to establish an operating line of credit that can be used for any product you purchase from The Equity. GO FLEX allows a grower to focus on their operation during the busy spring and summer season and not have to worry about accruing late charges on their open trade account.

POWER-MAX® GO® Premium Diesel
Maximize Engine Performance
Our Premium Diesel offers multi-functional additives with outstanding detergency cleaning power, which has a 10/10 rating on the Peugeout DW10C IDID Test.

GO LEVEL PAY equalizes propane gas bills to avoid peaks in times of higher consumption making it the budget-friendly option to pay for home heating.