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The Equity Altamont Multimillion Dollar Expansion

Oct 08, 2020

Altamont new office location

ALTAMONT — A multimillion dollar expansion of The Equity is underway in Altamont, according to Altamont Operations Manager Clint Bowman and Sales Manager Brett Stuemke.

“We just got the point we had to expand,” Bowman said. “We definitely outgrew our old building.”

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Green Creek Drone Company is focused on making cutting edge drone sprayer technology available to corn, soybean, and wheat producers across the Midwest. This technology allows producers to “Take Control” of aerial applications made to their crops. Green Creek Drone Company will also be working closely with The Equity’s Agronomy Department providing custom application of fungicides in select areas through the first growing season. Tony Weber who has years of experience with drone applications will be leading the team as General Manager.